Courier General Terms

General Terms
to Ezyee delivery service with the Courier
Updated on 15.07.2024
These General Terms shall apply to all relations between Ezyee and the Courier (and the Courier’s
employee / contractor should it be the case) in the course of using the Ezyee Platform, as defined
below. By signing up in the account provided by Ezyee to access the Ezyee Platform, the Courier and
the Courier’s registered employees / contractors agree to the application and content of these General
Terms and is informed about the processing of the Courier (and its registered employees / contractors)’s
personal data disclosed during registration and use of the Ezyee Platform on the conditions set out in
these General Terms and the Privacy Policy.

Actual Delivery
means the actual total cost of each delivery to be transferred to the
Courier. The amount of the Actual Delivery Cost is calculated in
accordance with Section 7.1 below.
Agency Fee means the fee payable to Ezyee by the Courier in accordance with
Section 7.3 below for the provision of agency services to the Courier.
Ezyee means Balabanlar OÜ, registry code 12207491 and VAT no.
EE372200221054078922 , address Kanglaste 34, Narva, Estonia,
e-mail address
Ezyee Partners means local representatives, local branches, agents appointed or
mandated by Balabanlar OÜ
Ezyee Platform means the food delivery platform operated by Ezyee as the information
society service, in a capacity of provider of the online intermediation
services, that (i) enables the Restaurant Operator to market its Meals
with delivery option to Users and enter into Sales Agreements for the
sale of Meals to Clients, (ii) enables the Users to place Orders of Meals
with the Restaurant Operator, enter into the Sales Agreements as
Clients and arrange the delivery of the Order from a Courier and (iii)
enables the Courier to offer delivery services to the Clients for the
delivery of the Orders.
Client means any User of the Ezyee Platform that has placed an Order
and enters into a Sales Agreement with the Restaurant Operator and a
Delivery Agreement with the Courier.
means know-how, trade secrets and other information of a confidential
nature (including, without limitation, all proprietary technical, industrial
and commercial information, customers’ and suppliers’ data and
techniques in whatever form held as well as any information regarding:
(i) the business; and (ii) the contents of the General Terms.
Courier means any sole entrepreneur or legal entity who has been registered
by Ezyee as a provider of the delivery service to the Client with respect to
Meals ordered through the Ezyee Platform.
Courier Fee means the gross fee payable for the delivery services related to an
Order, by the Client to the Courier under the Delivery Agreement,
exclusive of any discount, and / or incentive offered by Ezyee. The
Courier Fee is calculated in accordance with the principles set out in
Section 7.
Delivery Agreement means the agreement between the Client and the Courier for the
delivery of the Order, concluded through the Ezyee Platform.
Drop-Off Location means the address indicated on the Order, where the Client wishes to
receive the ordered Meal.
General Terms means these terms and conditions applicable to the relationship
between Ezyee and the Couriers, and the Courier’s employee / contractor
should it be the case), in relation to the use of the Ezyee Platform
by the Couriers.
Meal means any ready-made meal and/or other food products or beverages
that the Restaurant Operator sells through the Ezyee Platform.
Marketplace means the arrangements and functionalities of the Ezyee Platform
that facilitate the use of on-demand delivery services provided by the
Marketplace Fees means the fees that are payable to the Couriers in accordance with
Section 7.4.
Meal Price means the gross price (including with applicable value added, sales or
other taxes where applicable) that the Client has to pay to the
Restaurant Operator for the ordered Meal.
Minimum Order
means the amount determined by the Ezyee Platform which
indicates the minimum Meal Price of a meal for which an Order can be
placed through the Ezyee Platform.
Minimum Value
means the fee payable by Client to the Courier in accordance with
Section 7.3 (in order to compensate the difference between the
Minimum Order Value and the Meal Price of a particular Order.)
Order means the order of a Meal that the Client has placed with the
Restaurant Operator through the Ezyee Platform.
Order Price means (gross) the price that the User has to pay for the purchase(d)
Meal(s) and delivery of the Order.
Request means a signal sent out to one or more Couriers or the Courier’s
employee / contractor should it be the case, indicating the time and
location of Order pick up.
Restaurant means each and every establishment of the Restaurant Operator listed
on the Ezyee Platform.
means the operator of any restaurant, café, bistro, food kiosk, canteen,
delivery-only-kitchen, gastronomy department in a grocery store or
other Meal production establishment that Ezyee has concluded an
agreement with.
User means any person that has registered a user account on the Ezyee
Platform and uses the services of the Ezyee Platform through that
user account.
2.1. The Ezyee Platform enables the Client to order Meals from Restaurant Operators and
arrange the delivery of the Orders to the Client by the Courier.
2.2. For the delivery of the Order, the Client enters into a Delivery Agreement directly with the
Courier. The Delivery Agreement is deemed to be concluded from the moment that the
Courier, or the Courier’s employee / contractor, has accepted the Request through the
Ezyee Platform.
2.3. By operating the Ezyee Platform, Ezyee acts only as a provider of the information
society service, in a capacity of provider of the online intermediation services (within the
meaning of Regulation (EU) 2019/1150 of the European Parliament and of the Council of
20 June 2019 on promoting fairness and transparency for business users of online
intermediation services (the “Online Platform Regulation”)), and is not a party to the
Delivery Agreement. The Courier, or the Courier’s employees / contractors, are not
employed by Ezyee and do not act as Ezyee’s subcontractor, but provide the delivery service
to the Client as independent contractors pursuant to the Delivery Agreement.
2.4. By operating the Ezyee Platform, Ezyee acts as an independent agent for the Couriers
in relation to brokerage of Delivery Agreements between the Couriers and the Clients. As
the agent Ezyee is authorised by each Courier as principal to receive payments from the
Clients and Restaurant Operators on behalf of and/or for the benefit of the Couriers and
allocate the received funds to the respective Courier in accordance with these General
Terms. These General Terms do not aim in whatsoever way at forming an
employer-employee relationship between Ezyee and the Courier, or the Courier’s
employees / contractors.
3.1. The Couriers, or the Courier’s employees / contractors, may choose the means for
providing the delivery service at their own discretion.
3.2. The Courier is solely responsible for complying with all relevant laws and regulations for
operating and using the chosen means of transport (e.g. licenses, insurances, etc).
3.3. The Courier must ensure that, at all times, itself or its employees / contractors (if any)
conform to the requirements of this General Terms and agree to act in accordance with
the conditions and obligations thereof and any further agreements with Ezyee. The Courier
and its employees and/or contractors shall remain jointly and severally liable for any
infringement deriving from the conduct of such employee / contractor.
4.1. After receiving the account details from Ezyee, the Courier, or the Courier’s employees /
contractors,,may commence using the Ezyee Platform on their smartphone or tablet.
Ezyee does not provide the devices or sufficient internet connection for using the Ezyee
Platform. Ezyee is not liable for the proper functioning of the Ezyee Platform on any
4.2. The Courier, or the Courier’s employees / contractors, warrant and represent that during
the course of providing the delivery service, they comply with all relevant laws and
regulations applicable to the provision of delivery service to the Client and with all
requirements set out in Schedule 2 (Requirements for providing delivery service).
4.3. The detailed guidelines for using the Ezyee Platform are set out in Schedule 3
(Instructions for using Ezyee Platform).
4.4. The Courier, or the Courier’s employees / contractors, may provide the delivery service
during all times that they are signed-in in the Ezyee Platform. The Courier, or the
Courier’s employees / contractors, are welcomed to wear Ezyee branded clothes, if they
have opted to buy them, at all times. For the provision of the delivery service, the Courier,
or the Courier’s employees / contractors, may use their own Ezyee-branded thermo-bags or
a personal thermo-bag. During the provision of delivery service brokered under the Ezyee
Food Platform the Courier, or the Courier’s employees / contractors, are restricted from
using any clothing, accessories or equipment which displays or includes any logos or
branding of a competing food delivery platform as this may be damaging to Ezyee’s
reputation and brand awareness. For the sake of clarity, the Courier is the sole proprietor
of its equipment and Ezyee does not impose the utilization of any particular equipment in
the execution of its services to the Client, which choice is left to the sole discretion of the
4.5. The Courier, or the Courier’s employees / contractors, may choose the time and duration
of providing the delivery service on the Ezyee Platform at their own discretion.
Notwithstanding the above, the Courier, or the Courier’s employees / contractors, must
complete the delivery of any accepted Order before discontinuing the provision of
services pursuant to the respective Delivery Agreement.
4.6. The Client may leave feedback and make complaints regarding the delivery service
through the Ezyee Platform. Ezyee shall tend to the complaints at its own discretion,
investigate the complaint (where necessary) and decide on the further course of action in
resolving the complaints. If the Courier, or the Courier’s employees / contractors, has
materially breached its obligations or has received several complaints, Ezyee has the right
to temporarily or permanently suspend the Courier, or the Courier’s employees /
contractors, from using the Ezyee Platform as specified further below.
4.7. Notwithstanding the safeguards provided for under the Online Platform Regulation in
terms of restriction, suspension and termination, the Ezyee Platform is provided “as
is” and Ezyee cannot guarantee that the Ezyee Platform will not be subject to change,
modification or be discontinued either temporarily or permanently at any given time.
5.1. As per the Delivery Agreement, the Courier, or the Courier’s employees / contractors,
have to pick up the accepted Order at the time and location indicated on the Ezyee
5.2. In compliance with the delivering food safety and hygiene regulation, the Courier, or the
Courier’s employees / contractors, have to place the Meal, which is previously packaged
by the Restaurant, into the thermo-bag without adding or removing any packaging.

6.1. The Courier, or the Courier’s employees / contractors, may choose the route of delivery
at their own discretion, provided that the Order is delivered to the address indicated on
the Ezyee Platform as soon as reasonably possible, as per the Delivery Agreement.
The Ezyee Platform calculates a suggested route and an estimated delivery time for
the delivery of the Order, which are not binding to the Courier, or the Courier’s employees
/ contractors.
6.2. The Courier, or the Courier’s employees / contractors, may not open the packaging of the
Restaurant and has to deliver the Meal as prepared by the Restaurant Operator. The
Courier, or the Courier’s employees / contractors, are not allowed to change, modify, add
to, remove from or temper with the Meal in any way.
6.3. The Courier, or the Courier’s employees / contractors, have to hand over the Order to the
Client at the Drop-Off Location indicated on the Ezyee Platform. Detailed guidelines
for cases where the Courier, or the Courier’s employees / contractors, are unable to
deliver the Order at the Drop-Off Location is set out in Schedule 3 (Guidelines for using
Ezyee Platform).
7.1. For each delivery the Courier will receive the Actual Delivery Cost, which is calculated by
the Ezyee Platform in accordance with the principles of dynamic pricing, taking into
account the distance and time of delivery, the traffic situation, weather conditions, the
pool of couriers available on the Marketplace and other factors.
7.2. Courier acts as an independent contractor for the Client and as part of the Actual Delivery
Cost the Courier shall be entitled to a Courier Fee payable by the Client for the delivery
service rendered under the Delivery Agreement. The Courier Fee is calculated within the
Ezyee Platform for each delivery.
7.3. If an Order is subject to Minimum Order Value, the Client will pay to the Courier the
Minimum Value Compensation.
Ezyee will procure that the difference between the Actual Delivery Cost and the aggregate
amount of the Courier Fee and (where applicable) the Minimum Value Compensation will
be compensated to the Courier in the form of Marketplace Fees.
7.4. If the Courier Fee together with the Minimum Value Compensation (where applicable)
exceeds the Actual Delivery Cost, then Ezyee is entitled to charge the Agency Fee from the
Courier in the amount by which the sum of the Courier Fee and (where applicable) the
Minimum Value Compensation exceeds the Actual Delivery Cost.
7.5. The details of calculation of the Actual Delivery Cost will be adjusted from time to time by
Ezyee taking into account the number of orders, market situation, weather conditions,
supply, availability of the Couriers on the Marketplace, and other factors related to the
delivery service.
7.6. Ezyee may establish a marketing fee payable to the Couriers for participating in the
marketing of Ezyee brand.
7.7. Ezyee has the right to establish other fees applicable to the Courier by updating these
General Terms and notifying the Courier through the Ezyee Platform thereof, any
such amendments will enter into force as per the conditions set forth herein and in
accordance with the Online Platform Regulation.
7.8. The Courier, shall prepare and issue to the Client the invoice(s) for the Courier Fee and
(where applicable) for the Minimum Value Compensation upon request of the Client and
in any case issue a receipt to the Client for the Courier Fee and (where applicable) for the
Minimum Value Compensation. The payment obligation of the Client arising from the
Delivery Agreement is deemed to be fulfilled when the payment is credited onto the bank
account of Ezyee.
7.9. The Courier, shall prepare and issue to Ezyee on a weekly basis the invoice for any due
amounts by Ezyee based on the received Ezyee’s summary / claim statement..
7.10. Ezyee undertakes to forward all Courier Fee and (where applicable) the Minimum Value
Compensation payments from the Client to the Courier’s bank account that was provided
to Ezyee by the Courier. In the event that the Courier has to pay the Agency Fee to Ezyee
under Section 7.5 of these General Terms, Ezyee shall prepare and issue an invoice to the
Courier for the Agency Fee (if and as necessary) and deduct the Agency Fee from the
payments made to the Courier.
7.11. Invoicing and payments between Ezyee and the Courier will be made after each reference
period. The reference period shall be one week.

8.1. If the Courier or the Courier’s employees / contractors breach any of the obligations set
out in these General Terms, Ezyee has the right to temporarily or permanently restrict or
suspend the Courier (or any of its employees or contractors) from using the Ezyee
Platform without any obligation to compensate for the loss of profit.
8.2. Ezyee has the ordinary right to terminate this agreement by giving notice at least 30 days
prior to the termination taking effect
The notice period shall not apply and the termination shall produce immediate effect, if

9.2.1. has a legal or regulatory obligation to terminate this agreement in a manner which
does not allow it to respect that notice period; or
9.2.2. exercises a right of termination under an imperative reason pursuant to national
law; or
9.2.3. can demonstrate that the Courier or the Courier’s employees / contractors have
repeatedly infringed any of the applicable terms and conditions (including those
requirements provided under the Schedules herein).
8.3. If Ezyee temporarily or permanently restricts, suspends or terminates the Courier or the
Courier’s employees / contractors, from using the Ezyee Platform, it shall provide the
Courier with a statement of reasons, prior to or at the time of the restriction or suspension
taking effect or at the time of termination notice.
The statement of reasons shall contain the specific facts or circumstances, including
contents of third party notifications, that led to the suspension or termination, as well as a
reference to the applicable grounds referred to in point 9.1. and 9.2.
Ezyee does not have to provide a statement of reasons where it has a legal or regulatory
obligation not to provide it, or where Ezyee can demonstrate that the Courier or the
Courier’s employees / contractors have repeatedly infringed the applicable terms and
conditions, resulting in termination of the agreement with immediate effect (including in
case of material breach).
8.4. Ezyee will provide the Courier or the Courier’s employees / contractors with the opportunity
to clarify the facts and circumstances that led to the restriction, suspension or termination
in the internal complaint-handling process of Ezyee. If the restriction, suspension or
termination is revoked by Ezyee, the Courier or the Courier’s employees / contractors shall
be enabled to continue to perform its services without any limitation of accessing
personal or other data, or both resulting from its prior use of the Ezyee Platform.
8.5. The Courier has the ordinary right to terminate this agreement by giving notice at least 14
days in advance.
8.6. The termination of these General Terms will not affect:
8.6.1. any accrued rights of either party, including any right to receive any payments
due but unpaid before the termination; or
8.6.2. obligations, which are expressed to survive the termination.

9.1. Ezyee grants a revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable license to the
Courier and the Courier’s employees / contractors for using the Ezyee Platform for the
sole purpose of offering delivery services to the Clients under the Delivery Agreements.
9.2. All intellectual property rights regarding the software, documentation or information used
or developed by or on behalf of Ezyee during the provision of the information technology
services under these General Terms (including, but not limited to the Ezyee Platform
and Confidential Information), as well as all data and statistics about the Deliveries made
through the Ezyee Platform belong to Ezyee. The Courier or the Courier’s employees /
contractors shall not copy, modify, adapt, reverse-engineer, distribute, decompile or
otherwise discover the source code of the Ezyee Platform or any other software used
by Ezyee. Ezyee shall maintain the data and statistics about the Deliveries for each reference
period for a period of [one year] after the end of said reference period.
9.3. The Courier or the Courier’s employees / contractors shall not use the Ezyee Platform
for unauthorised or unlawful purposes or impair or seek to impair the proper operation of
the Ezyee Platform.
9.4. The Courier or the Courier’s employees / contractors will process the data of the Clients
in accordance with Schedule 1 of these General Terms (Data Processing Agreement).
The terms and conditions for processing the personal data of the Couriers, who are
natural persons, is established in the Privacy Policy, available on Ezyee’s website.
10.1. During the term of the agency relations and for a period of five years following the expiry
or termination of the agreement, Ezyee and the Courier,or the Courier’s employees /
contractors, shall not disclose and shall maintain the confidentiality of all Confidential
Information of the other party.
10.2. Confidential Information of the other party may be disclosed to third parties only subject
to a prior written notice of the other party. Notwithstanding the above, Confidential
Information may be disclosed to the party’s attorneys, auditors, accountants, consultants
and subcontractors, provided that such persons perform their obligations in connection
with the Agreement if subject to an identical or essentially identical confidentiality
11.1. The Courier has to be in compliance with the requirements of any applicable anti money
laundering laws and regulations and may not use the Ezyee Platform for money
laundering purposes. The Courier warrants that he/she is not subject to any international
sanctions, anti-terrorism or similar laws, decrees, ordinances, orders, demands, requests,
rules or requirements.
11.2. Ezyee, or any third party delegated party from Ezyee, has the right to conduct reviews of the
Courier,or the Courier’s employees / contractors’ compliance with anti money laundering
rules and/or suspend the Courier or the Courier’s employees / contractors from using the
Ezyee Platform without prior notice, for the purpose of detecting fraud or any other
violation thereof.
11.3. The Courier, or the Courier’s employees / contractors, has to notify Ezyee immediately of
any circumstances that may refer to a violation of this Section 12.
12.1. The Courier is solely liable for the performance of the Delivery Agreement and for any
claims presented under the Delivery Agreement. Ezyee, Ezyee Group Companies or Ezyee
Partners are not liable for any failure or non-conformity of performing the Delivery
Agreement and assume no liability for any traffic violations or accidents sustained during
the performance of the Delivery Agreement.
12.2. Ezyee is liable for damages or loss of profit that the Courier or the Courier’s employees /
contractors may bear only in cases of intentional or grossly negligent breaches of these
General Terms by Ezyee.
12.3. The Courier shall indemnify, defend and hold Ezyee, Ezyee Group Companies or Ezyee
Partners harmless from and against any and all claims (including claims filed by the
Client due to the breach by the Courir of the Delivery Agreement), suits, actions or
administrative proceedings, demands, losses, damages, costs, and expenses of
whatsoever nature, including attorney’s fees and expenses in respect of or resulting from
the provision of the delivery services by the Courier or the Courier’s employees /
contractors under these General Terms and / or the violations of the representation and warranties provided herein.
13.1. These General Terms and any rights or claims arising out of or in connection with
the Delivery Agreement shall be governed by the substantive law of the Republic
of Estonia.
13.2. Ezyee makes available its internal complaint-handling process within the Ezyee
Platform for the resolution of any claims arising out of or in connection with the Delivery
Agreement and the present General Terms whereby the Couriers are able to submit
complaints (via email addressed to, especially with
regards to the matters below:
13.2.1. alleged non-compliance by Ezyee with any obligations laid down in the Online
Platform Regulation which affects the Courier,
13.2.2. technological issues which relate directly to the performance of Ezyee

13.2.3. measures taken by, or any behaviour of Ezyee which relate directly to its services,
and which affects the Courier directly.
If the respective dispute resulting from these General Terms or the Delivery Agreement could not be
settled by neither the internal complaint-handling process nor mediation, then the dispute will be finally
solved in Harju County Court in Tallinn, Estonia.
Ezyee will bear a reasonable proportion of the total costs of mediation in each individual case. Such
reasonable proportion of those total costs will be determined, on the basis of a suggestion by the
mediator, by taking into account all relevant elements of the case at hand.

14.1. Where versions of the Agreement exist in any other language, the English version shall
14.2. Ezyee reserves the right to update the General Terms anytime, by notifying the Courier
either through the Ezyee Platform or the e-mail address provided to Ezyee.
Any changes to the General Terms will be notified on a durable medium to the Courier
within a set notice period which is reasonable and proportionate in light of the specific
circumstances and which is at least 15 days from notification. Ezyee will grant longer notice
periods when this is necessary to allow technical or commercial adaptations to comply
with the changes. This 15 days notice period shall not apply where Ezyee:
(a) is subject to a legal or regulatory obligation which requires it to change its terms
and conditions in a manner which does not allow it to respect the 15 days notice
(b) has exceptionally to change its terms and conditions to address an unforeseen
and imminent danger related to defending the online intermediation services,
consumers or business users from fraud, malware, spam, data breaches or other
cybersecurity risks.
The Courier is in any case entitled to waive such notice period by means of a written
statement or a clear affirmative action, except in case of editorial changes .
During the notice period, submitting new services, also by means of the Courier-s
employees / contractors to the online intermediation services shall be considered clear
affirmative action to waive the notice period, except in cases where the reasonable and
proportionate notice period is longer than 15 days because the changes to the terms and
conditions require significant technical adjustments. In such cases, the notice period shall
not be considered automatically to be waived.
14.3. The Courier, or the Courier’s employees / contractors, may not assign any of the rights or
obligations under these General Terms either in whole or in part.
14.4. The whole text of the present General Terms, has been written in Hungarian and English,
both versions being deemed authentic, but for legal and interpretative purposes the text
in English shall prevail.
This Data Processing Agreement is an integral part to the Agreement and shall apply to all relations that
are formed between Ezyee and the Courier or the Courier’s employees / contractors in the course of using
the Ezyee Platform and relate to processing of the personal data.
Background information:
A. In the course of performance of the Delivery Agreement and use of the Ezyee Platform, Ezyee
and the Courier share personal data with each other as separate data controllers.
B. In case of a conflict between the Delivery Agreement and the Data Processing Agreement with
regard to the processing of personal data, the Data Processing Agreement shall prevail.
1.1. The terms used in this Data Processing Agreement are used in the meaning given to them in the
Agreement or in the meaning given to them in Article 4 of the General Data Protection Regulation
(EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (hereinafter the GDPR). The term
“data subject” shall mean the identified or identifiable natural person who uses Ezyee
Platform and to whom the personal data shared relates.
1.2. In the meaning of GDPR, Ezyee and the Courier shall both be data controllers with regard to the
personal data processing conducted by each in the respective scope.
2.1. The Courier shall process personal data only in accordance with the applicable law, the terms
and conditions of the Agreement and the terms and conditions of this Data Processing
2.2. The Courier shall not process personal data outside the European Economic Area.
2.3. The Courier agrees to process personal data received from Ezyee only in accordance with the data
processing principles described in Part 2 herein and only for the purposes described in Part 3
herein, unless the data subject has separately authorized Courier for further processing. For the
avoidance of doubt, the Courier may not use the data subject’s personal data for marketing
purposes, unless the data subject has expressly stated otherwise.
2.4. The Courier shall ensure the full confidentiality of the personal data received from Ezyee. The
Courier shall ensure that access to the personal data received from Ezyee shall be given to only
those representatives of the Courier who require it strictly in relation to the performance of their
duties under the Delivery Agreement and that all such representatives are subject to a
confidentiality obligation.
2.5. The Courier shall ensure the security of personal data for the purposes of protecting personal
data from accidental or unauthorised processing, disclosure or destruction. The Courier shall inter
alia procure that no physical or other copies are made of the data provided to the Courier through
the Ezyee Platform.
2.6. Upon the termination of the Agreement, the Courier and the Courier’s employees / contractors
shall delete or destroy all personal data received from Ezyee, incl. all (backup) copies of the
personal data in the possession of the Courier or the Courier’s employees / contractors that is
received from Ezyee, unless otherwise required under applicable laws or data subject has
authorized the Courier to further processing and retention of personal data.
2.7. If the Courier uses (sub)processors, the Courier shall assume full liability for the (sub)processor’s
2.8. Ezyee has the right to check the performance of the Data Processing Agreement by the Courier at
any time.
3.1. Both Parties shall ensure that personal data processing procedures carried out by each are
3.2. The Courier shall guarantee that while processing the personal data, all the data subjects’ rights
according to the GDPR are guaranteed to the data subjects, including but not limited to the
following rights:
3.2.1. the right of access under GDPR Article 15,
3.2.2. the right to rectification under GDPR Article 16,
3.2.3. the right to erasure (“right to be forgotten”) under GDPR Article 17,
3.2.4. the right to restriction of processing under GDPR Article 18;
3.2.5. the and right to data portability under GDPR Article 20.
4.1. In case of a (suspected) personal data breach related to the personal data received from Ezyee or
an incident that is likely to escalate into a personal data breach, the Courier shall immediately
notify Ezyee thereof.
4.2. The Courier shall send the notification to Ezyee immediately, but no later than within 24 hours of
learning about the data breach.
5.1. The Courier shall assume full liability and indemnify and hold harmless Ezyee for any and all
liability, damage, administrative fines or any other claims created for Ezyee or which any person
submits against Ezyee with regard to the Courier’s violation of the Data Processing Agreement or
requirements of the applicable law.
5.2. In case of a violation of any condition of the Data Processing Agreement or a requirement under
the applicable law, the Courier shall compensate Ezyee in full for any damage caused directly or
indirectly by the violation, including legal expenses associated with the violation.
5.3. The Courier shall immediately notify Ezyee if any claim or administrative fine is submitted against
the Courier in relation to the Data Processing Agreement.
6.1. The Data Processing Agreement shall be valid during the term of the Agreement.
6.2. The Data Processing Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Estonia.
Data processing principles:
1. Purpose limitation: Personal data may be processed and used only for purposes described in
Part 3.
2. Data quality and proportionality: Personal data must be accurate, adequate, relevant and, where
necessary, kept up to date.
3. Transparency: Data subjects must be provided with information about their collected personal
data to ensure fair processing (information about the purposes of processing and transfer).
4. Security and confidentiality: Technical and organisational security measures must be taken by the
data controller that are appropriate to the risks, such as against accidental or unlawful
destruction, unauthorised disclosure or access.
5. Rights of access, rectification, deletion and objection:The data subjects must be provided with the
personal information about them that the data controller holds. Data subjects must be able to
have the personal information about them rectified, amended, or deleted where it is inaccurate or
processed against these principles.
1. Data subjects
Natural persons using the Ezyee Platform (Clients).
2. Purpose of data processing
Enabling the data subjects to use the Ezyee Platform for ordering the delivery of the ordered
Meals using Couriers or the Courier’s employees / contractors.
3. Categories of personal data
Following data disclosed about the data subject via Ezyee Platform:
3.1 first name and the first letter of the last name;
3.2 phone number;
3.3 Order contents and the Order Price;
3.4 address, where the Order is to be delivered (incl. gate codes etc, if applicable);
3.5 any other notes made by the Client to the Courier or the Courier’s employees /
contractors through the Ezyee Platform.
4. Processing period
The data importer (Courier or the Courier’s employees / contractors) agrees to delete or destroy
the personal data about each data subject received from the data exporter (Ezyee) within fourteen
days after the fulfilment of each Order, unless the data subject has separately authorized the data
importer (Courier or the Courier’s employees / contractors) to further processing.
5. Sensitive data
No sensitive personal data is transferred.
This Schedule is an integral part of the agreement and the General Terms pertaining thereto. All
capitalized terms have the same meaning as given to them in the General Terms.
1. Requirements for the Courier or the Courier’s employees / contractors
1.1. The Courier or the Courier’s employees / contractors are at least 18 years of age.
1.2. In compliance with the delivering food safety and hygiene regulation, the Courier or the
Courier’s employees / contractors shall not provide the delivery service while he/she is
carrying an illness which is likely to spread and that he/she is or may reasonably be
aware of. The Courier or the Courier’s employees / contractors is and will at all times
during the provision of the delivery service be medically fit to operate the means of
delivery of its choosing. Ezyee has the right to request the submission of health fitness
certificates from the Courier at any time for public safety reasons. If the Courier or the
Courier’s employees / contractors gives reason to assume that the delivery would not be
safe or if the Courier or the Courier’s employees / contractors refuses to provide the
health certificate, Ezyee has the right, in the general public interest, to suspend the
Courier’s or the Courier’s employees / contractors’ access to the Ezyee Platform.
1.3. The Courier or the Courier’s employees / contractors shall not provide the delivery
service while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
2. Provision of delivery service
2.1. If under the applicable law, the Courier needs to be registered as service provider,
entrepreneur or as a similar entity for taxation or other purposes, the Courier has to
comply with relevant requirements for the entire period of providing the delivery service
through the Ezyee Platform.
2.2. When the Courier joins the Ezyee Platform, he/she or its employees / contractors
shall participate in a hygiene and health safety training and confirm that they have
completed the training.
2.3. The Courier or the Courier’s employees / contractors will not engage in reckless
behaviour while driving, including by driving unsafely, operating a vehicle that is unsafe to
drive, permitting an unauthorised third party to accompany the Courier or the Courier’s
employees / contractors in the vehicle while providing the delivery service.
2.4. The thermo-bags used for the delivery must be clean and in good order. If a vehicle is
used for the Delivery, the vehicle must also be clean and in good order.
2.5. The Courier or the Courier’s employees / contractors shall make certain before each
delivery that the thermo-bag is clean and is used in a manner that ensures food and
health safety and prevents the contamination or tempering of food. The Courier or the
Courier’s employees / contractors shall clean the thermo-bag as frequently as necessary
with a cloth or swab to ensure that the thermo-bag is clean when delivering the Order.
2.6. The Courier or the Courier’s employees / contractors shall clean the thermo-bag using
only such products and in such manner that does not cause contamination of food or
pose a risk to human health. Cleaning products and disinfectants shall be used only
pursuant to the instructions prepared by the producer of such products.
2.7. The Courier or the Courier’s employees / contractors shall ensure that the ordered Meal
is protected against contamination by way of remaining the thermo-bag neatly sealed
during the entire delivery process. If something other than food is delivered in the same
vehicle, the Courier or the Courier’s employees / contractors shall ensure that the Meal is
sufficiently separated in the thermo-bag to prevent contamination.
2.8. The Order shall be ready to be picked up by the Courier or the Courier’s employees /
contractors no earlier than within the last 5 minutes of the Meal preparation time frame.
2.9. The Courier or the Courier’s employees / contractors shall ensure to deliver the Order to
the Client at latest within 1 hour after the Meal has been prepared by the Restaurant.
This Schedule is an integral part of the General Terms. All capitalized terms have the same meaning as
given to them in the General Terms.
1. For providing the delivery service, the Courier or the Courier’s employees / contractors need to
mark themselves as ‘active’ on the Ezyee Platform by pressing “Go Online” at any time. For
discontinuing the provision of the delivery service for the day, the Courier or the Courier’s
employees / contractors needs to mark him- or herself as ‘inactive’ on the Ezyee Platform by
pressing “Stop New Requests” at any time.
2. During the provision of the delivery service (and at other times), the Courier or the Courier’s
employees / contractors are welcomed to wear Ezyee branded clothes, if they have opted to buy
3. When the Restaurant Operator has accepted an Order placed by the Client, a Request is sent out
to one of the nearby Couriers or the Courier’s employees / contractors. The Courier or the
Courier’s employees / contractors may autonomously choose to accept or decline the Request.
4. The Courier or the Courier’s employees / contractors may accept new Requests also before the
delivery of the previous Order is completed.
5. After picking up the Order at the Restaurant, the Courier or the Courier’s employees / contractors
marks the Order as “Picked Up” on the Ezyee Platform.
6. After handing over the possession of the Order to the Client, the Courier or the Courier’s
employees / contractors marks the Order as “Delivered” on the Ezyee Platform.
7. If the Client fails to take possession of the Order (does not pick up the phone, does not answer
the door, etc), the Courier or the Courier’s employees / contractors has to contact the Client on
the phone number indicated on the Ezyee Platform on at least 3 separate occasions and stay
with the Order at the Drop-Off Location during a 10 minute time frame. If the Client is still
unavailable and unable to take possession of the Order, the Courier or the Courier’s employees /
contractors will contact Ezyee’s customer service in order to authorise Ezyee to cancel the delivery
and fully charge the Client for the delivery, as well as to receive further advice regarding the

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